A for Athlete
A for Athlete


For Digital_Badges/Water Polo[]


  1. Need water polo test questions.
  2. After we get 20 questions, nice sample, then we should make a PROTOTYPE.
  3. Prototype would run on WIN.
  4. Prototype runs on Mac
  5. Prototype to run on Linux.
  6. Prototype runs on Android Tablet.
  7. Test results emailed from the app to Water-Polo-Knowledge@CLOH.org
  8. Make a wide call for obtaining water polo questions (1 week).
  9. Get more questing ourselves. (1 week)
  10. Finish the question list for version 1.0 in code.
  11. Version 1.0 would run on WIN.
  12. Version 1.0 runs on Mac.
  13. Version 1.0 to run on Linux
  14. Version 1.0 to run on Andoid.
  15. Test results emailed from the app to Water-Polo-Knowledge@CLOH.org helps to automatically dish out the badges onto the wiki.