A for Athlete


A-B-C terms[]

Jumping in the pool, verb. Using your feet to go up and down. Diving. Cannonball.

Jumping in the pool illutration

Jumping into pool.

Reflections from SDA14[]

  • I did not know how to float. Now I know how to back float. I am practicing for my deep water test. I am practicing treading. I am practicing how to play water polo.

Digital Badges Earned by Courtney Kelley[]


Write in the insights section of your page here.


Write the details section of your page here.


Courtney Kelley is in these videos[]

MilestonePod in SDA15[]

  • Serial Number: 5C:31:3E:8A:23:57 Rauterkus (talk) 13:02, July 6, 2015 (UTC)
  • Username:
  • Password: CLOH


Projects to do[]

Footnotes ebook masthead
A for Athlete Ebook:
A - B - C -

D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

Liberty Mile[]

  • Entered in 2015 race.
  • HC 2015 downtown pickup.