- Awarding and bestowing Digital Badges with Pgh City of Learning is important in 2015.
- Students and younger staff get badges from the City Of Learning platform.
- Adults get badges from,
- The Play.CLOH.Org site is open but not functional with the badges as of June 22, 2015.
- The goal is to complete the by July 5, 2015. Stay tuned.
Summary Tip for Bestowing:[]
- Click edit on your badge's worksheet and then insert:
{{Please Bestow}}
- You have to use the magic word, Please.
As efforts on the Digital Badges are completed, request your Digital Badge.[]
- Be sure to finish and document.
- Is your full name near the top of the page?
- Has all the criteria for earning the Digital Badges been completed?
- Is all the necessary content presented clearly on the wiki page?
- Did you upload any photos from the camera?
- If videos were made, were the videos put onto YouTube? Were the YouTube links put on the page?
- Did you rename the photos after they were uploaded to the wiki?
- Did you attach categories to the photos and other digital files?
- Did you make links from your home page to the journal, blog or worksheet page?
To make a request, type the two words, Please Bestow within two curly brackets on the page where the criteria is demonstrated.
Use this text edit below with an edit onto your wiki page that shows your results:[]
{{Please Bestow}}
To undo the Please Bestow edit, delete it from the text of the wiki page and delete the category, "Please Bestow" too.
To Bestow to Youth:[]
- If you want to award the Digital Badges in the Pgh City of Learning platform, you need to be invited by a super-user administrator. The super-user administrator is one who already has a username and password at the site and can give privileges to others. At the outset, that was Adam Majewski and Mark Rauterkus. An email is generated by the system as an invite to join with some clicks and then you pick your own password. Later, you'll need to remember that password you've selected to log into the system.
- Log into
- Students log into the web site on the home page.
- Admin sign into the site on a different page.
- Often, the admin log-in process takes two attempts. First, a blank screen appears and then nothing. But the second time the email and password is entered it works.
- Select the organization, BGC, in the top right drop down menu.
- Find the badge that you wish to award in the lower left quadrant of the screen.
- Click on the small blue chevron (arrow) next to the badge to expand the options.
- Select the blue "award badge" option.
- Check the empty box next to the student's name getting the badge.
- Check each empty box to designate the requirements were met and criteria accomplished in earning that digital badge.
- Read and verify that all of these requirements were met.
- Upload either a file or URL as evidence of completion, depending on the requirements of the badge.
- Some badges require wiki entries and links.
- Upload a photo for some of the badges without a meaningful bit of evidence. Show the student demonstrating a bit of the skills involved. #* A note from the coach or teacher can serve as witness too.
- Click the Save button.
To Bestow to Adults[]
- Go to
- Wait until the site is set up. Pending on June 19, 2015.