- Slogan: We care about getting you to work
- For more than 20 years, the Eastside Neighborhood Employment Center (ENEC) has helped low- to moderate-income residents get on the path to prosperity.
- 5321 Penn Avenue in the Pittsburgh neighborhood of Garfield, Pittsburgh, PA 15224
- ENEC’s services are available for anyone age 16 and older.
- office at 412-362-8580
- The ENEC helps the East End community grow by providing its residents with all of the help they need to compete in today’s job market. In addition to hosting on-site employer interviews and job fairs, the ENEC offers workforce skills and job readiness training, career counseling, and job placement.
The ENEC offers free assistance with:[]
- Computer and internet applications
- Resume writing
- Job counseling
- Copy and fax services
Supporting with a letter. File:ENEC-support.pdf