Digital Badges Earned by Elijah Covington[]
- Also see Pgh City of Learning.
- Elijah Covington is a participant in Summer Dreamers with Pittsburgh Public Schools in Swim & Water Polo Camp in 2015.
- Write more in the first section of your page here.
Write in the insights section of your page here.
Write the details section of your page here.
Elijah Covington is in these videos[]
MilestonePod in SDA15[]
- Serial Number:
- Username:
- Password: CLOH
Projects to do[]
- Insert squad name (hint, a national park) as a category onto this page.
- Log onto this wiki with a username. Then you get credit for edits and changes at Special:MYPAGE.
- Digital Badges/Goals/Level 1
- Check out the A-B-C Book from the past and insert your photo into the page based upon your first name.
A for Athlete Ebook: |
A - B - C -
D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z |