Frank Janowicz, author, "How to Raise Your Children to Keep Them Out of Gangs and Prisons," looks at constitutional issues that affect young people.
“How to Raise Your Children to Stay Out of Gangs and Prisons”, is an educational law book that has been reviewed and approved by the California Department of Education, for 'legal content' and 'social compliance’. It can be used as a ‘reference’ or ‘resource’ book in grades 4th through 12th. Also, the book meets and fulfills the California Department of Education’s State Standards in grades 4th and 12th (Standards 1.0 (Word Analysis, Fluency, and Systemic Vocabulary Development) and 2.0: (Reading Comprehension) and (Standard 12.10: ‘Rules of Law”).
“How to Raise Your Children to Keep Them Out of Gangs and Prisons,” is a book/program that can be used for Prevention, Intervention or Rehabilitation by by teaching our young people that for every action there is a repercussion, and ultimately, a consequence. The book can be used as a 'legal reference' book for grades 4th through 12th. I have enclosed information about my 'Bullying' program.
Nationwide Gang-related and bullying programs have failed because they do not possess a law education segment.
Given the fundamental place of law in the American society, every citizen needs to know how the legal and political systems function, how the law affects them, and how they can affect it.
“How to Raise Your Children to Keep Them Out of Gangs and Prisons”, is an educational law book that has been reviewed and approved by the California Department of Education, for 'legal content' and 'social compliance’. It can be used as a ‘reference’ or ‘resource’ book in grades 4th through 12th. Also, the book meets and fulfills the California Department of Education’s State Standards in grades 4th and 12th. (Standard 1.1): Students identify and use the literal and figurative meanings of words and understand word derivations. (Standard 2.0): “Reading / Grade Level Informational Material”).
The book/program provides students, educators, police and probation departments, and family/community organizations, with opportunities to develop the knowledge and understanding, skills, attitudes and appreciations necessary to respond to effectively to the law and legal issues in our complex and changing society.
Frank D. Janowicz, M.S.
National Juvenile Justice Trainer of the Year, 2006 (Juvenile Justice Trainers Association) Correctional Teacher (25) years Law Education Consultant (18) years Gang Interventionist (16) years Child/Community Advocate (15) years Law-Related Education “Trainer of Trainers” (16) years Los Angles Policeman (16) years
Cell: (562) 533-6385 (Monday – Friday) (0900 am – 500 pm)