- The GOI is Goal Orientation Index.
- The GOI is protected by copyright, Kay Atman.
- All the content with Digital Badges from Kay Atman is used in cooperation with a license agreement with for the 2015 effort with Digital Badges.
- The GOI is a tool that helps to display and catalog a person's approach to goal-setting.
- The GOI was developed and researched throughout a career by Kay Atman, Ph.D., retired professor in the School of Education at University of Pittsburgh.
- The GOI is a pivitol element to Digital_Badges/Goals and needs to be taken to earn Level 2 and taken jointly with a partner in Digital Badges/Goals/Level_4.
- GOI is a set of 96 questions without any right or wrong answers that can be taken on paper, on the web and with new software being developed for comptuers and Andoid Tablets by for Summer Dreamers in 2015.
- GOI has questions for youth and adults and some other questions for younger kids are pending and a possibility.
Videos from the creator of the GOI, Kay Atman are coming soon.
- Software coming soon.
- Hope to post links for the GOI for Macintosh, Windows, Linux, Andoid and HTML5.