The following content presents raw ideas. This page needs massive edits. Do not quote this material in any source. It is not sanctioned in any way. Rather, this page is more of a place holder for more editing to come.
- The Digital Badges for Tech Captains were introduced in a grant application called Play.CLOH.org in spring 2016.
- Tech Captains are generally varsity athletes with strong leadership and technology skills who have demonstrated abilities of playing well with others.
Pittsburgh is a sports town. As a society, including schools, Citiparks, government and the legions of players, coaches and teams, we must ensure that the youngsters learn how to play well with others at young ages. Then as the youth mature, we must ensure that they have the skills and talents to sustain meaningful employment with wage levels adequate for the maintenance of themselves, their families and their passions, including a certain amount for savings. This requires a continuous effort to improve the training capacity for individuals and groups so that their professional lives will be more skilled and productive.
Given today's glorification and sky-rocketing pay for professional athletes, as well as a propensity for a sizable amount of those athletes with multi-million-dollar contracts to go bankrupt within years after their retirements, we need to carefully enrich and adequately prepare youngsters to shield and block shameful forms of exploitation.
Being devotion to sport and gifted in terms of athletic abilities and shouldn't send youngsters onto a disadvantaged pathway that is too narrowly focused and produces vulnerable workers. Gladiators may get their day in the sun, if fortunate, and then slip to the margins of society. We'll have none of that. We want to create literate athletes and even literate Olympians. The well-rounded, tech savvy, socially aware, well connected,
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Badge Builder Template for LRNG[]
Basic Badge Information[]
- Title
- Play.CLOH.org Tech Captains
- Interest
- Sport
- Age Appropriateness
- 13+
- Level Up
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Criteria, Competencies and Standards[]
* Define the criteria (learning goals) that must be met to earn this Badge.
Select a Workforce Competency AND/OR enter Competencies and Standards.[]
Opportunity (Optional)[]
* Describe the opportunity that will be unlocked for learners who earn this Badge.
Playlist Template from LRNG[]
Banner image[]
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XPs to include[]
Note if optional or not.
- /Lessons
- Original proposal from January 2015.File:NLA-TECH CAPTAINS application.pdf
- Presentation on emaze. http://app.emaze.com/@AOFQQWLI/tech-captains-intro?autoplay
Young App Developer[]
Thomas Suarez A 12-year-old app developer-0