A for Athlete

Day 18: The Bliss Point Foods (Sugar, Salt, & Fat)[]


Watch the video "The Bliss Point Food Business"[]

Title of the Activity: Know your bliss point foods: What, Why, Where and How.[]

Primary Learning Goals:[]

  •  Review bliss point foods as essentail to sruvival, powerfully rewarding, habit makers
  •  Review why and how they were developed by the food industry
  •  Know the epidemiologic facts and consequences of bliss point foods
  •  Survey/Review Food "Uses": Illness, Comfort, Reward, Bonding,
  •  Review "Terror Management" as a sales strategy and coping with food response

Primary Learning Objectives:[]

  • Campers generate lists of the food “USE” groups, and favorite bliss point foods.
  • Campers list ways and occaisions for using bliss point foods in their families
  • Consider alternatives to mindless overuse, of bliss point foods

Workshop Plan/Procedures:[]

  • Watch video in learning circle
  • Review bliss point foods in evolution, business, and government roles of health and industry.
  • Campers list their uses of blisspoint foods, e.g.,
    • for: “Food for Illness”, Comfort Foods,” “Craved Foods,”Bonding, and “Feared/“Disliked Foods.”
  • Survey in circle, in turn, the campers categories.

Introduction Motivation or Hook:[]

  • Some people think that sugar is the new smoking!
  • 1 in 3 kids are expected to have type II diabetes in 40 years, none were diagnosed with it in 1980.
  • Have you seen "Fed Up"... changing what you eat could keep you out of the hospital.
  • Paper, pencil for the group
  • Literature:
    • Mindful Eating, J.C. Bays P83
    •  The Will Power Instinct (book) by Kelly McGonigal

Extensions and Explorations (Blog/Homework):[]

  • Watch the documetary "Fed Up" at home.
  • Journal/Reflect on a time you tried to control your craving a bliss point food.

Open Ended Questions:

  • What can you do to help your family be healthy?
  • What foods are healthier choices for some of your family's typical bliss point foods?
  • What kinds of skills can help you stay healthy?

Assessment and evaluation of learning:[]

  • Rate this session on a 10-point scale
    • Students rate content, from 1 (worst) to 10 (best):
    • Campers rate fun, from 1 (worst) to 10 (best):
    • Campers rate usefulness, from 1 (worst) to 10 (best):


Nutritional Bite[]

  • Vitamins and minerals in foods help give you energy and make you stronger. They are found in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, protein foods and dairy products.

Mindful Bit:[]

  • Slowing the breath for 1-2 minutes increaes your will power reserve.
  •  One study found that 20-minutes of mindful training a day decreased cravings.

Navigate to Mindful Eating lesson #s:

Calendar span: M T W Th F
Week 1, June 29-July 2 1 2 3 4
Week 2, July 6-10 5 6 7 8 9
Week 3, July 13-17 10 11 12 13 14
Week 4, July 20-24 15 16 17 18 19
Week 5, July 27-31 20 21 22 23 24
Week 6, August 3, 4, 5 25 26 27