A for Athlete

Past Events from Summer 2015[]

This page has reflections from the activities from 2015 that was held as part of Pittsburgh Public Schools Summer Dreamers under the financial umbrella of the Bloomfield-Garfield Corporation and executive head coach Mark Rauterkus and taught by the master-mind, Richard King with yoga teacher Tim Krupar and helpers Zuriel Bozeman Wallace who was with the Learn & Earn working with Neighborhood Learning Alliance.

The 2015 class was the first time that Mindful Eating was offered.


  • Yoga is a very peaceful and relaxing skill to practice, and helps young one's to better concentrate on the task at hand."


Laptops, software, and other devices help to assess heart rate, hear-rate variance and attentional stability after routine mindfulness training. Campers will track and blog about their physical activity. Camper’s acquire knowledge of psychology, physiology and neuroplasticity as they learn about outcome measures such as BMI, blood pressure, heart rate variance, and attentional stability. Two classes of 20 students participate for 75 minutes for 27 days, from June 29 to August 4, 2015.

One aim is to deliver more learning into the student's home environments through fun with food activities, wiki pages, blogging, picnics, and field surveys. These activities bridge among the school settings to neighborhoods and homes. Parent and guardian engagement can increase as parent involvement can better influence childrens' BMI management.


  • /campers
  • /policies

Mindful Eating introduces skills of self-awareness and self-regulation that address:

These healthy-lifestyle, learning activities are designed to create and support better habits for nutrition and physical activity.

The 2015 format provides 90 minutes of programming over the course of 28 days. This duration and frequency may allow for the creation of new, healthy, lifestyle habits.


  • Mindful Eating, Yoga & Multimedia aims to engage parents and guardians with the healthy choices and healthy lifestyle lessons.
    • Research shows that parent involvement in developing children’s healthy habits is an important factor in predicting successful healthy lifestyle habits for BMI management.
    • See the Fun with Food Picnic (slated for week 2 of SDA15).

The camp content and curriculum is supported by websites, handouts, a workbook, journaling/blogging and motivational interviewing.





Opportunities for Digital Badges[]

Participants in Mindful Eating as part of 2015 Summer Dreamers can feast on plenty of opportunities to earn Digital Badges.

Digital Badges/Mindfulness includes seven badges.

Smorgasboard of Digital Badges:
Yoga Badge
Body Scan
Mindfulness 1 Badge
Mindfulness 5 min Badge
Mindfulness 10 min Badge
Mindfulness 15 min Badge
Mindfulness b 1

Cooperation with BGC and 4-H also open up the possibility of getting others too.

Digital Badges also possible to Mindful Eating students:
Liberty Mile Logo
Steps Badge-0
Goals Level 1
Feet Wet Badge

Mindful Eating aims for Digital Badges[]

Students plugging for 400[]

With plenty of hard work at home and at Summer Dreamers, coaches hope each kid can get a taste of Digital Badges badges. With 40 students in Mindful Eating a reach-goal is to provide a few badges in this program to each student. Throughout the summer, feel free to ask the coaches for an update on the number of Digital Badges obtained.

Guardians too![]

Opportunities for getting a badge are available to guardians, siblings and others too. It would be fantastic if every guardian of a Mindful Eating camper was able to get two Digital Badges this summer.

Extra Events[]

Community members and guardians are invited to ask about and attend the extra events being held by Mindful Pittsburgh around town as part of City of Learning.


Mindful Eating, Yoga and Media Camp at Summer Dreamers[]

Mindful Pittsburgh teaches mindfulness skills for health, wellbeing, habit change and peak performance at Summer Dreamers. Basic mindfulness training exercises and yoga develops awareness, attention, self-regulation, and resilience to support health and wellbeing. Campers learn about components of healthy lifestyles including, physical activity, good nutrition, stress management, establishing and changing habits. Campers learn to prepare some healthy foods, carefully attend to their relationships with food, and explore "fun with food" activities that reveal hidden factors controlling eating habits.

Healthy habits in daily routines come by engaging guardian and stident collaborations in food activities including blogging, picnics, and field research. We try to bridge engagement in healthy lifestyles between home and school. Campers learn some science of health, neuroplasticity and happiness. Daily routine practices of mindfulness and yoga can increase mental focus, reduce stress and increase resilience. Campers track and blog about their physical activity and mindfulness training. Camper acquire knowledge of psychology, physiology and neuroplasticity and learn about outcome measures such as BMI, blood pressure, heart rate variance, and attentional stability.

Two classes of 20 students will participate for 75 minutes for 27 days, from 6/29 to 8/4.
