IOC Country Codes[]
The IOC Country Code is not exactly the same as the ISO codes.
- Aruba (also known as ARU) || Aruba
- Afghanistan (also known as AFG) || Afghanistan
- Angola (also known as ANG) || Angola
- Anguilla (also known as AIA) || Anguilla
- Åland Islands (also known as ALA) || Åland Islands
- Albania (also known as ALB) || Albania
- Andorra (also known as AND) || Andorra
- Antigua and Barbuda (also known as ANT) || Netherlands Antilles
- Template:ARE || United Arab Emirates
- Argentina (also known as ARG) || Argentina
- Armenia (also known as ARM) || Armenia
- Template:ASM || American Samoa
- Antarctica (also known as ATA) || Antarctica
- Template:ATF || French Southern Territories
- Template:ATG || Antigua and Barbuda
- Australia (also known as AUS) || Australia
- Austria (also known as AUT) || Austria
- Azerbaijan (also known as AZE) || Azerbaijan
- Burundi (also known as BDI) || Burundi
- Belgium (also known as BEL) || Belgium
- Benin (also known as BEN) || Benin
- Template:BFA || Burkina Faso
- Template:BGD || Bangladesh
- Template:BGR || Bulgaria
- Template:BHR || Bahrain
- The Bahamas (also known as BHS) || Bahamas
- Bosnia and Herzegovina (also known as BIH) || Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Template:BLM || Saint Barthélemy
- Belarus (also known as BLR) || Belarus
- Template:BLZ || Belize
- Template:BMU || Bermuda
- Bolivia (also known as BOL) || Bolivia
- Brazil (also known as BRA) || Brazil
- Template:BRB || Barbados
- Bahrain (also known as BRN) || Brunei Darussalam
- Template:BTN || Bhutan
- Template:BVT || Bouvet Island
- Template:BWA || Botswana
- Central African Republic (also known as CAF) || Central African Republic
- Canada (also known as CAN) || Canada
- Template:CCK || Cocos (Keeling) Islands
- Template:CHE || Switzerland
- CHL = ISO code for Chile (also known as CHI) || Chile
- China (also known as CHN) || China
- Côte d'Ivoire (also known as CIV) || Côte d'Ivoire
- Cameroon (also known as CMR) || Cameroon
- DR Congo (also known as COD) || Congo, the Democratic Republic of the
- Template:COG || Congo
- Cook Islands (also known as COK) || Cook Islands
- Colombia (also known as COL) || Colombia
- Comoros (also known as COM) || Comoros
- Cape Verde (also known as CPV) || Cape Verde
- Not CRI: Costa Rica (also known as CRC) || Costa Rica
- Cuba (also known as CUB) || Cuba
- Christmas Island (also known as CXR) || Christmas Island
- Cayman Islands (also known as CAY) || Cayman Islands
- Cyprus (also known as CYP) || Cyprus
- Czech Republic (also known as CZE) || Czech Republic
- Template:DEU || Germany
- Djibouti (also known as DJI) || Djibouti
- Dominica (also known as DMA) || Dominica
- Template:DNK || Denmark
- Dominican Republic (also known as DOM) || Dominican Republic
- Template:DZA || Algeria
- Ecuador (also known as ECU) || Ecuador
- Egypt (also known as EGY) || Egypt
- Eritrea (also known as ERI) || Eritrea
- Template:ESH || Western Sahara
- Spain (also known as ESP) || Spain
- Estonia (also known as EST) || Estonia
- Ethiopia (also known as ETH) || Ethiopia
- Finland (also known as FIN) || Finland
- Fiji (also known as FJI) || Fiji
- Falkland Islands (also known as FLK) || Falkland Islands (Malvinas)
- France (also known as FRA) || France
- Faroe Islands (also known as FRO) || Faroe Islands
- Federated States of Micronesia (also known as FSM) || Micronesia, Federated States of
- Gabon (also known as GAB) || Gabon
- GBR (also known as GBR) || United Kingdom
- Georgia (also known as GEO) || Georgia
- Template:GGY || Guernsey
- Ghana (also known as GHA) || Ghana
- Template:GIN || Guinea
- Template:GIB || Gibraltar
- Template:GLP || Guadeloupe
- The Gambia (also known as GMB) || Gambia
- Template:GNB || Guinea-Bissau
- Equatorial Guinea (also known as GNQ) || Equatorial Guinea
- Template:GRC || Greece
- Template:GRD || Grenada
- Greenland (also known as GRL) || Greenland
- Template:GTM || Guatemala
- French Guinea (also known as GUF) || French Guiana
- Guam (also known as GUM) || Guam
- Guyana (also known as GUY) || Guyana
- Hong Kong (also known as HKG) || Hong Kong
- Template:HMD || Heard Island and McDonald Islands
- Template:HND || Honduras
- Template:HRV || Croatia
- Template:HTI || Haiti
- Hungary (also known as HUN) || Hungary
- Template:IDN || Indonesia
- Template:IMN || Isle of Man
- India (also known as IND) || India
- Template:IOT || British Indian Ocean Territory
- Ireland (also known as IRL) || Ireland
- Template:IRN || Iran, Islamic Republic of
- Iraq (also known as IRQ) || Iraq
- Iceland (also known as ISL) || Iceland
- Israel (also known as ISR) || Israel
- Italy (also known as ITA) || Italy
- Jamaica (also known as JAM) || Jamaica
- Template:JEY || Jersey
- Jordan (also known as JOR) || Jordan
- Japan (also known as JPN) || Japan
- Kazakhstan (also known as KAZ) || Kazakhstan
- Kenya (also known as KEN) || Kenya
- Kyrgyzstan (also known as KGZ) || Kyrgyzstan
- KHM = ISO code for Cambodia (also known as CAM) || Cambodia
- Kiribati (also known as KIR) || Kiribati
- Template:KNA || Saint Kitts and Nevis
- South Korea (also known as KOR) || Korea, Republic of
- Template:KWT || Kuwait
- Laos (also known as LAO) || Lao People's Democratic Republic
- Template:LBN || Lebanon
- Liberia (also known as LBR) || Liberia
- Template:LBY || Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
- Saint Lucia (also known as LCA) || Saint Lucia
- Liechtenstein (also known as LIE) || Liechtenstein
- Template:LKA || Sri Lanka
- Template:LSO || Lesotho
- Lithuania (also known as LTU) || Lithuania
- Luxembourg (also known as LUX) || Luxembourg
- Template:LVA || Latvia
- Template:MAC || Macao
- Template:MAF || Saint Martin (French part)
- Morocco (also known as MAR) || Morocco
- Template:MCO || Monaco
- Moldova (also known as MDA) || Moldova
- Template:MDG || Madagascar
- Maldives (also known as MDV) || Maldives
- Mexico (also known as MEX) || Mexico
- Marshall Islands (also known as MHL) || Marshall Islands
- Macedonia (also known as MKD) || Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of
- Mali (also known as MLI) || Mali
- Malta (also known as MLT) || Malta
- Template:MMR || Myanmar
- Montenegro (also known as MNE) || Montenegro
- Template:MNG || Mongolia
- Template:MNP || Northern Mariana Islands
- Mozambique (also known as MOZ) || Mozambique
- Template:MRT || Mauritania
- Template:MSR || Montserrat
- Template:MTQ || Martinique
- Template:MUS || Mauritius
- Template:MWI || Malawi
- Template:MYS || Malaysia
- Template:MYT || Mayotte
- Namibia (also known as NAM) || Namibia
- Template:NCL || New Caledonia
- Template:NER || Niger
- Template:NFK || Norfolk Island
- Template:NGA || Nigeria
- Template:NIC || Nicaragua
- Norway (also known as NOR) || Norway
- Template:NIU || Niue
- Template:NLD || Netherlands
- Template:NPL || Nepal
- Nauru (also known as NRU) || Nauru
- New Zealand (also known as NZL) || New Zealand
- Template:OMN || Oman
- Pakistan (also known as PAK) || Pakistan
- Panama (also known as PAN) || Panama
- Template:PCN || Pitcairn
- Peru (also known as PER) || Peru
- Template:PHL || Philippines
- Palau (also known as PLW) || Palau
- Papua New Guinea (also known as PNG) || Papua New Guinea
- Poland (also known as POL) || Poland
- Template:PRI || Puerto Rico
- North Korea (also known as PRK) || Korea, Democratic People's Republic of
- Template:PRT || Portugal
- Template:PRY || Paraguay
- Template:PSE || Palestinian Territory, Occupied
- Template:PYF || French Polynesia
- Qatar (also known as QAT) || Qatar
- Template:REU || Réunion
- Romania (also known as ROU) || Romania
- Russia (also known as RUS) || Russian Federation
- Rwanda (also known as RWA) || Rwanda
- Template:SAU || Saudi Arabia
- Template:SDN || Sudan
- Senegal (also known as SEN) || Senegal
- Template:SGP || Singapore
- Template:SGS || South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
- Template:SHN || Saint Helena
- Template:SJM || Svalbard and Jan Mayen
- Template:SLB || Solomon Islands
- Sierra Leone (also known as SLE) || Sierra Leone
- Template:SLV || El Salvador
- San Marino (also known as SMR) || San Marino
- Somalia (also known as SOM) || Somalia
- Template:SPM || Saint Pierre and Miquelon
- Serbia (also known as SRB) || Serbia
- São Tomé and Príncipe (also known as STP) || Sao Tome and Principe
- Suriname (also known as SUR) || Suriname
- Slovakia (also known as SVK) || Slovakia
- Template:SVN || Slovenia
- Sweden (also known as SWE) || Sweden
- Swaziland (also known as SWZ) || Swaziland
- Template:SYC || Seychelles
- Syria (also known as SYR) || Syrian Arab Republic
- Template:TCA || Turks and Caicos Islands
- Template:TCD || Chad
- Togo (also known as TGO) || Togo
- Thailand (also known as THA) || Thailand
- Tajikistan (also known as TJK) || Tajikistan
- Template:TKL || Tokelau
- Turkmenistan (also known as TKM) || Turkmenistan
- Timor-Leste (also known as TLS) || Timor-Leste
- Template:TON || Tonga
- Template:TTO || Trinidad and Tobago
- Tunisia (also known as TUN) || Tunisia
- Turkey (also known as TUR) || Turkey
- Tuvalu (also known as TUV) || Tuvalu
- Template:TWN || Taiwan, Province of China
- Template:TZA || Tanzania, United Republic of
- Uganda (also known as UGA) || Uganda
- Ukraine (also known as UKR) || Ukraine
- Template:UMI || United States Minor Outlying Islands
- Template:URY || Uruguay
- United States (also known as USA) || United States
- Uzbekistan (also known as UZB) || Uzbekistan
- Template:VAT || Holy See (Vatican City State)
- Template:VCT || Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
- Venezuela (also known as VEN) || Venezuela
- Template:VGB || Virgin Islands, British
- Template:VIR || Virgin Islands, U.S.
- Template:VNM || Viet Nam
- Template:VUT || Vanuatu
- Template:WLF || Wallis and Futuna
- Template:WSM || Samoa
- Yemen (also known as YEM) || Yemen
- Template:ZAF || South Africa
- Template:ZMB || Zambia
- Template:ZWE || Zimbabwe
ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 codes are three-letter country codes in the ISO 3166-1 standard to represent countries and dependent territories. They are published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) as part of its ISO 3166 standard. They were first included as part of the ISO 3166 standard in its first edition in 1974.
They are used in ISO/IEC 7501-1 for machine-readable passports.
Current codes[]
Officially assigned code elements[]
Below is a complete list of the current officially assigned ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 codes, with country names being English short country names officially used by the ISO 3166 Maintenance Agency (ISO 3166/MA):
User-assigned code elements[]
The following alpha-3 codes can be user-assigned: from AAA to AAZ, from QMA to QZZ, from XAA to XZZ, and from ZZA to ZZZ. These code elements are at the disposal of users who need to add further names of countries, territories or other geographical entities to their in-house application of ISO 3166-1, and the ISO 3166/MA will never use them in the updating process of the standard.
Reserved code elements[]
Reserved code elements are codes which, while not ISO 3166-1 codes, are in use for some applications in conjunction with the ISO 3166 codes. The ISO 3166/MA therefore reserves them, so that they are not used for new official ISO 3166 codes, thereby creating conflicts between the standard and those applications.
Exceptional reservations[]
The following alpha-3 codes are subject to an exceptional reservation:
- ASC – Ascension Island — Reserved on request of UPU, also used by ITU
- CPT – Clipperton Island — Reserved on request of ITU
- DGA – Diego Garcia — Reserved on request of ITU
- FXX – France, Metropolitan — Reserved on request of France
- TAA – Tristan da Cunha — Reserved on request of UPU
The following three codes were also under exceptional reservation, until the update from 2006-03-29 included them in the standard:
- GGY – Guernsey — Reserved on request of UPU
- IMN – Isle of Man — Reserved on request of UPU
- JEY – Jersey — Reserved on request of UPU
Transitional reservations[]
The following alpha-3 codes are subject to a transitional reservation:
- BUR – Burma
- NTZ – Neutral Zone
- SCG – Serbia and Montenegro
- SUN – U.S.S.R.
- TMP – East Timor
- YUG – Yugoslavia
- ZAR – Zaire
Indeterminate reservations[]
The following alpha-3 codes are subject to an indeterminate reservation, having been notified to the United Nations Secretary-General under the 1949 and/or 1968 Road Traffic Conventions:
- ADN – Aden
- BDS – Barbados
- BRU – Brunei
- CDN – Canada
- EAK – Kenya
- EAT – Tanganyika
- EAU – Uganda
- EAZ – Zanzibar
- GBA – Alderney
- GBG – Guernsey
- GBJ – Jersey
- GBM – Isle of Man
- GBZ – Gibraltar
- GCA – Guatemala
- HKJ – Jordan
- MAL – Malaysia
- RCA – Central African Republic
- RCB – Republic of the Congo (Brazzaville)
- RCH – Chile
- RMM – Mali
- RNR – Northern Rhodesia
- ROK – Republic of Korea
- RSM – San Marino
- RSR – Southern Rhodesia
- SLO – Slovenia
- SME – Suriname
- TMN – Turkmenistan
- WAG – Gambia
- WAL – Sierra Leone
- ZRE – Zaire
The following code has been reassigned:
Codes currently agreed not to use[]
For the time being, ISO 3166/MA has agreed not to use the following codes, taken from ISO/IEC 7501-1 (machine readable travel documents), as alpha-3 country codes:
- GBD – British Dependent Territories Citizen
- GBN – British National (Overseas)
- GBO – British Overseas Citizen
- GBP – British Protected Person
- GBS – British Subject
- UNA – United Nations Specialized Agency Official
- UNK – Kosovo resident, issued travel document by UNMIK
- UNO – United Nations Official
Other withdrawn codes[]
Besides the codes currently transitionally reserved and FXX (now exceptionally reserved), these alpha-3 codes have also been withdrawn since the first edition of ISO 3166 in 1974:
- AFI – French Afar and Issas
- ATB – British Antarctic Territory
- ATN – Dronning Maud Land
- BYS – Byelorussian S.S.R. — Belarus now uses BLR
- CSK – Czechoslovakia
- CTE – Canton and Enderbury Islands
- DDR – German Democratic Republic
- DHY – Dahomey
- GEL – Gilbert and Ellice Islands
- HVO – Upper Volta
- JTN – Johnston Island
- MID – Midway Islands
- NHB – New Hebrides
- PCI – Pacific Islands, Trust Territory of the
- PCZ – Panama Canal Zone
- PHI – Philippines — Now uses PHL
- PUS – U.S. Miscellaneous Pacific Islands
- RHO – Southern Rhodesia
- ROM – Romania — Now uses ROU
- SKM – Sikkim
- VDR – Viet-Nam, Democratic Republic of
- WAK – Wake Island
- YMD – Yemen, Democratic
See also[]
- List of IOC country codes, slightly different codes used by the International Olympic Committee
- List of FIFA country codes, slightly different codes used by FIFA
- Comparison of IOC, FIFA, and ISO 3166 country codes
Sources and external links[]
- International Organization for Standardization (ISO): ISO 3166 Maintenance Agency
- United Nations Statistics Division, Standard Country or Area Codes for Statistical Use
- CIA World Factbook, Appendix D – Cross-Reference List of Country Data Codes (public domain)
- Statoids, Country codes
- Country codes in ISO 3166 (outdated, include withdrawn codes)
Template:ISO 3166
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