Our squad of campers before the Liberty Mile on August 9, 2013.
- Update for 2018 SDA18 budget. File:Budget-update.pdf
- Proposal for 2018 SDA18 for Swim & Water Polo. File:SDA18-final-SWIM-WaterPolo.pdf
- File:Swim Water Polo 2017 proposal.pdf
- /2015 Final RFP Grant Application from December 6, 2014
- /2016 Final RFP Grant Application from December 2015
- Pittsburgh Brashear High School is a school site in 2016 for Swim & Water Polo Camp.
See list of possible names at National Parks/2015 choices.
Camp Langley[]
Camp South Hills[]
- Block three of Mindful Eating:
- Block four of Mindful Eating:
Camp Faison[]
Camp Langley[]
- Big Bend (boys)
- Hot Springs (girls)
Camp Faison[]
Camp Carmalt[]
- The 8 page, newsprint, black-and-white, tabloid newsletter supplement to the July 2, 2013, South Pittsburgh Reporter about our camp, File:Swim & Water Polo Camp News 2013.pdf
- Original proposal from December 2013 in PDF format.File:Water Polo RFP 2013-PDF.pdf
- 2013 contract was delivered May 1.
- Adjusted implementation plan and budget for 2013, Swim & Waterpolo Camp is below.
- History in slides, generally seen on the iPad with a personal visit with Mark Rauterkus. File:For USA waterpolo CEO.pdf

Liberty Mile Logo
- See changes for 2014's camp. /2014 Changes
/Game Days[]
- On Fridays, generally, the camp coaches try to have races and games.
Itinerary for Thursday, August 8, 2013[]
All-City Aquatic Game Day and Pool Party at Ammon[]
- 10 am to 2 pm (or later)
- Get there on your own. You need rides or make your own carpool arrangements!
- 10 am: Show up at Ammon Swim Pool, Hill District, for Game Day.
Citiparks' Ammon swim pool, is at corner of Bedford Ave and Memory Lane. Cross is Kirkpatrick Street. Bring swim suit, towel, brown bag lunch. Friends and family are free to join in too. Play water polo games in morning in pick-up tournament.
- Play water disk games in afternoon.
- 1:30 pm: Pizza and Gator Aid expected.
- 2 pm: Organized play wraps up. Okay to free swim.
- 7 pm: Pool closes.
Itinerary for FRIDAY: August 9, = Liberty M1LE Race Day=[]
- Pool party, Kayak opportunity, Gear Up, Team Photo and Liberty Mile Race
- 1 pm: Arrive after 1 pm, as Sue Murray Swim Pool.
- Okay to go home after 7:30, better to stay to 8:20 pm.
- AFTER 1 pm: Show up to Citiparks Sue Murray swim pool is on the lower North Side just across the 9th Street Bridge away from Downtown's PPS CAPA (also on 9th Street). Pool address is 301 Cedar Ave, corner at Stockton across from a Sunoco & Giant Eagle.
- 3-4 pm: Okay to get to the pool later to get race #, race chip for electronic timing, race gear.
- 3-5 pm: Optional Kayak in groups with your adult to sign form at boat house.
- 4:30 or later: Food and GatorAid at pool.
- 6 pm: Depart pool, by walking, to Downtown for Liberty Mile start line.
- 6:30: Team photo near start line.
- 6:35: Warm-up for race.
- 7 pm: Our race begins.
- 7:15: Gather for our awards at Triangle Park (near finish line)
- 8 pm: Professional, elite male races begins. Go Jordan!
- 8:20 and after: Get home on your own. Optional festival at Market Square. Late and final hook-up at Market Square. Get there and get home on your own. You need rides!
Tips and Insights from Coach Mark.[]
Call Coach Mark Rauterkus any time: 412 298 3432. Or, Mark@Bloomfield-Garfield.org.
Do NOT bring anything of value to the pools.
Need suit, towel, googles (optional), sun screen. We'll hydrate the kids with GatorAid.
Most of the “SPONSORED Athletes” are able to run the race in new shoes from New Balance and a partnership with local vendor, Elite Runners and Walkers, as well as the Pittsburgh Marathon and others. The gear is ONLY for those who RACE in the race. Athletes need to show up to the Sue Murray Swim Pool on Friday to get the gear and race.
All the gear is going to be in the athlete’s gear bags and transitioned there from the school camp site to the Sue Murray Swim Pool.
Liberty Mile race goodies are going to be at the pool on Friday with race chip for the shoe, race number, etc.
Athletes that finish the race get another shirt, a Liberty Mile tech shirt, upon crossing the finish line.
Some food and snacks will be at the finish line of the Liberty Mile too.
The Liberty Mile race course is a “U.” Starts on Penn Ave. Turn around is by the Greyhound Bus Terminal. Return to heart of town is along Liberty Ave. Finish is very near Market Square. Fans can cheer for the runners in the first quarter along Penn Ave. and then cut to Liberty Ave to watch the finish too. Map posted at LibertyMile.org.
The swim pool events are open to friends and family.
We have some other future race and swim opportunities too. A 5K run race is slated for the South Side Riverfront Trail at 8 am on Saturday, October 19. Our kids get free entry into the Clean Air Dash!
Did you see and read the 8 page Swim & Water Polo Newsletter? Get one at the school or pool. Or, read it online at our wiki?
Have you seen our A-B-C book and wiki? Everyone can edit it too. http://CLOH.wikia.com.
Squad Names
- Each squad picks its own squad name. Generally there are about 20 campers per squad.
- File:Squad name ballots.pdf a one page PDF.
- Sda13 Death Valley at Camp Faison
- Sda13 Badlands at Camp Faison
- Sda13 Grand Canyon at Camp UPrep
- Sda13 Galapagos Archipelago at Camp UPrep
- Sda13 Great Smokey Mountains at Camp Classical
- Sda13 Hawaii Volcanoes at Camp Classical
- Sda13 Yellowstone at Camp Carmalt
- Sda13 Olympic at Camp CAPA
- Sda13 Zion at Camp CAPA
- Digital Badges/Exercises/Routines
- Warm-Up Exercise Routine with Arm Swings
- Air Quality Flag Raising
- American Waterpolo
- Bloomfield-Garfield Corporation
- Elite Runners and Walkers
- New Balance, a shoe company
- Pittsburgh Marathon, its Liberty Mile and Kids of STEEL.
- Pittsburgh Marathon
- Pittsburgh Public Schools
- Tiger Water Polo
Possible sponsors[]

- Lamar Advertising, but not so much
- Citiparks
- /Attendance Application - a custom built software application for keeping track of kids, staff and performances.
- /Newsletter, July 2013
- Swim Suits
- /Shoes
Implementation Plan, adjusted in April 2013 for Summer 2013[]
The Bloomfield-Garfield Corporation, a 501(c)(3), is working with Mark Rauterkus, executive swim & waterpolo coach, as an activities provider for PPS Summer Dreamers 2013.
This document outlines the plans as we know them to be at this time:
Five Swim & Waterpolo Sites:
- CAPA to have 20 students in middle school grades (8th grade expected).
- U-PREP to have 40 students in elementary school grades, (3rd grade expected).
- Faison in Homewood to have 40 students in elementary grades (3rd grade expected).
- PCA/Classical in West End to have 40 students in elementary grades (3rd grade expected).
- Carmalt to have 40 students in elementary grades (3rd grade expected).
1. CAPA swimmers will swim at an outdoor Citiparks pool on the North Side, Sue Murray, 301 Cedar Avenue, North Side 15212. Once a week, if the students are running well, we'd like to take them up to AMMON Rec Center Pool on Bedford Ave. Athletes will also do training runs at Point State Park. Once in the summer we'd like to take a field trip in normal times to North Side's Sarah Heinz House for a tour and swim there.
2. U-Prep swimmers get to use the pool at U-Prep and the track and field behind the school for running. Classes have been able to visit the tennis courts in the past too for dry-time waterpolo-like games. Twice a week we'd like to take the swimmers on an urban hike and swim at the pool in Polish Hill, West Penn. There is a tunnel / walk UNDER the busy road of Baum Blvd.
3. The swimmers at Faison will be able to swim at the Citiparks pool just 4 blocks away from the school and sorta near the Carnegie Library of Homewood too. We'll be able to run and exercise on the grounds around the pool or in the park's field, right next to the pool. We'll take a van or bus to the site if walking is ruled out, as expected.
4. The PCA students get to use the PCA pool and field with track at PCA.
5. The Carmalt students get to hop onto a bus and travel to either PCA (about 1 time per week) and the other four days to a combination of Citiparks pools, Moore Pool, 1801 Pioneer Avenue, Brookline 15226 or Phillips Pool (not to be confused with Phillips Elem School), 201 Parkfield Street, Carrick 15210.
- Both boys and girls can mix.
- Students from other grades can mix too.
- Students need to bring swim suits, running shoes, shorts, towels.
- The literacy project is going to be called, "A for Athlete."
Some slight changes expected for this season include more coaching on the running. We'll have a coach from the Pittsburgh Marathon help our teachers and we'll do specific running training on some days with intervals. Tracks or else nice, open spaces are available this year at all the sites. A scoreboard timing system with wireless stop watch is going to be obtained and it will rotate around to the various sites on different days.
Staffing: Three Swim & Waterpolo Camp Staff are going to be with each 20-person team. When there are 40 people to a site, the students will be split into 2 squads.
One PPS teacher or activity helper for 20-students is expected to join in our activities throughout. Some of the PPS teachers have swim credentials and can help at the sites of PPS pools. But, many of the Swim & Waterpolo Camp Staff are also with Lifeguarding, CPR, First Aid and WSI credentials.
Each squad will have the name of a national park, i.e., Team Everglades, etc. We'll vote on the team names and research the mascot on the first week of camp.
Our Camp Attendance software application that runs on laptops or mobile phones and android tablets will be functional, we expect. We do need wifi access to then transmit the real-time attendance data to central office or the home schools.
The budget with PPS is as presented in the original application. We seek $300 per student for this plan for summer 2013.
Some donations are already pledged and a board tab for this is coming. For example, we are getting at great discount a timing system with audio, scoreboard and stopwatch for better feedback in our runs. And, we are getting a set of disks for waterplay from SKWIM International.
Budget Update from April 2013[]
Seeking to serve 180 students, all double-block.
- 40 Elementary at Faizon
- 40 Elementary at PCA
- 40 Elementary at Carmalt
- 40 Elementary at U-Prep
- 20 Middle-grade Campers at CAPA
$300 x $180 = $54,000[]
Fiscally Accountable – Organizers worked hard to keep cost reasonable and came in significantly below projected budget in 2011 and at budget in 2012. We will continue to provide more for our students while maintaining a financially sounds program model. If attendance drops below 75%, a reduction is possible with staff reduction. Fewer kids can mean fewer coaches.
The camp will be operated in a most prudent manner and, perhaps with some outside volunteers, donations and other types of assistance, the camp might spend less than the budgeted amount again in 2013.
In 2012, no adaptive help was required, perhaps due to the off-site nature of the activity. In 2013, none are part of the RFP budget.
PPS needs to address students needs in regard to special accommodations and suitable support with an Adaptive Camp. Plans can expand to an Adaptive Camp, perhaps at Allderdice or Brashear. But that is beyond the scope of this budget update. Swimming can be a great activity for special needs students, but only if the necessary support follows the kids into the pool. Otherwise, PPS needs to provide advance notice of these students for the 2013 summer.
Some PPS equipment and supplies are needed and on-hand in Physical Education settings within PPS. Balls, cones, kickboards, swim equipment, like lifejackets and diving bricks, etc. are available and can be leveraged for reuse in the summer program with PPS Camper Students.
Snacks are vital. PPS gave cracker bags and we got freeze pops in 2012. Fresh fruit and GatorAid would be nice.
Summary of the eight line-item expense budget, projections, include:
1. Supplies and equipment
2. Camper gear
3. Snacks
4. Capital ---> #1 + #2 + #3 + #4 line items = $18,300 = 20% of overall budget
5. Insurance = $1,800
6. Facility Rentals = $3,500
7. Payroll = $41,265 = 76% of overall budget
8. Transportation = $0
Summary: Total costs = $ matching close with expected enrollment of 180 x $300 per = $54,000.
Budget line items #1, #2, #3, #4, called “expenses.”
- 1. Supplies and equipment: Materials get purchased with the normal due diligence that the BGC applies to all of its fiscal matters.
We purchase what can not be obtained via other sources. Much is able to be given or lent to the campers. For example, college teams from Villanova to Middleberry have contributed used waterpolo balls to our collection. A wide variety of budget supplies supports the activities including: bulk race entries, towels, coolers, laundry supplies, ice, whistles, spare swim suits, swim caps, swim goggles, game balls, ball bags, waterpolo caps, first aid kits, storage. Books, dictionaries, journals, pens and posters for the literacy component are new in 2013. Underwater video cameras ($125 each) and a some technology investment to communicate attendance is required too. Every site does not need every item as some site hosts two squads. Some equipment items can be shared on different days with different squads, such as a set of swim fins. Budget line item: $525 per site. $525 x 5 sites = $2,625.
- 2: Individual Camper Gear costs are $13 to include: Goggles, $5; Swim Cap, $3; T-shirt, $5.
180 campers x $13 each = $2,340
- 3: Snacks. $20 per site. $120 total.
- 4. Capital costs are mainly for the air filled waterpolo goals, shipping of skwim goals, skwim disks and scoreboard timing system for race/run as well as swim timing. These items safer and easier to move. Suppliers can deliver if we place order months in advance. $600 per site.
$600 x 5 sites = $3,000
Summary of Expenses (budget line items #1, #2, #3 + #4) for 40 person site Elem or 20 person site Middle School:
- 1. Supplies = $525 x 5 = $2,625
- 2. Gear = $13 per student for gear x 180 campers = $2,340
- 3. Snacks, $5 x 20 = $120
- 4. $600 for capital per site = $3,000
_____ $8,085 = sum of #1,2,3,4.
Budget expense projections for line items #1, #2, #3 and #4 = $8,085. (15% of overall budget)
- 5. Insurance, budget line #5, obtained with the help of American Water Polo, a supporting organization.
- 6. Facility Rentals, race entries, officials, special events, Citiparks, County Parks = $2,880
160 x $18 = $2,880
- 7. Payroll = $41,265 = 76% of overall budget
Payroll, budget line item #7 In 2013, noon to 4 pm = 4 hours per day x 27 days + 2 days for training = 29 days = 116 hours In 2012, typical staff members each worked 200 hours.
Executive Head Coach = per year = $7,000 Attendance Coach = $10 per hour x 200 hours = $2,000
Head coach = $21 per hour x 116 hours = $2,436 Lifeguards = $10 per hour x 116 hours = $1,160 Assistant Coach = $14 per hour x 116 hours = $1,624
Needed, 24 aquatic workers.plus the PPS teachers.
Executive Head Coach
$7,000.00 Attendance Coach
hours pay per hour total
Head Coach 116 $21.00 $2,436.00
Assistant Coach 116 $14.00 $1,624.00
Lifeguard 116 $10.00 $1,160.00
sites: Heads Assists Guards
Faison 1 1 3 $7,540.00 Uprep 1 1 3 $7,540.00 PCA 1 1 3 $7,540.00 Carmalt 1 1 3 $7,540.00 CAPA 1 0 2 $4,756.00
Total = $43,916.00
GOAL = $41,265.00
Total Payroll budget projection: $41,265 (76% of PPS reimbursement to Activities Providers)
Note: Missed days by staff will be filled by sub guards, earning less per hour. The running coach from Pgh Marathon will help at sites too and relief for staff will be present then as well. Every staff member will not be needed for 4 hours for every day. The activity period includes lunch and some can work only at the pool.
- 8. Transportation = $0

Program Extras[]
- /Venture Outdoors proposal