The to-do list for the employees in the Learn & Earn program and for all BGC staff. This page was updated in 2018 and created July, 2015.
A $400,000 Productivity Tip
Get Clearances[]
- These should be done. See Clearances.
Staff of the BGC, you must get onto payroll.[]
- Not for Learn & Earn workers. This was done when you applied.
- Fill out the W-4 Tax Form. Return it to Coach Mark. He will get it to the BGC office.
- Fill out the I-9 Form.
- Get a copy of two forms of ID to prove you are a citizen and can be hired and paid.
Workers must fill out the BGC Timesheet[]
- PDF of the time sheet. Bloomfield-Garfield Corporation/time sheet.pdf,
- Time sheet as a doc file Bloomfield-Garfield Corporation/time sheet.doc.
Under 18? Then is your Workers Permit obtained and turned in too?[]
- Workers Permits are needed for youth workers.
Folder Built and Checked[]
- Make sure you get a "folder" for yourself with Mark Rauterkus. This is really a black Compuserve envelope that has your name written on the white part.
- The envelope stays with coach in a shoulder bag throughout his day and is the place to pick-up and drop off handouts and paperwork.
- This is where you'll find your pay-check, some day in the future, we hope.
Make a home page on this wiki[]
- Type your name in the search bar at the top of this page. See if a wiki page about you has already been started. If not, begin one. If so, add to it.
- Since we are going to make a home page for everyone in our activities with Summer Dreamers, we need you to know how it works.
Get onto the Google Calendar[]
- See Calendar.
- Subscribe yourself to that google calendar as it has dates, times and places for all of our activities this summer.
- Know the calendar. Look at it often. Ask your questions to Mark Rauterkus,
Play with the A-B-C letters[]
- Check them out.
- Build words with them.
- Talk vocabulary.
- Tie the letters and the past messages to the new efforts this year.
- The letters are something to build upon. Don't repeat what was already done.
- Run a race and pass over the A-B-Cs in order.
- Run a race and spell different words. Person 1 goes to D-O-G. Persone 2 goes to C-A-T.
- Run a race and run your own name, finding every letter and passing over it.
- Find the A-B-C letter on the wiki pages.
- Put a new photo or word onto the A-B-C letters in the wiki pages of that letter.
Get a copy of the app, TeamUnify onto your smart phone if you have a smart phone[]
- Get the coach version, not the parent one.
- You'll need a username and password. This can be sent to you from the site with a request from the administrators.
- We use TeamUnify among the coaches to take and track attendance and other data that might be needed when with the students at the pools or running.
- Soon working,
Get a photo of everyone in our activities in Summer Dreamers[]
- Can be on your phone's camera.
- Position should be: Source of light -> camera -> subject in photo.
- Don't have the sun nor the windows in the background as the photos are not good enough.
- Upload the photos to this wiki.
- Use the photos of the kids on their home page in the wiki.
Get working on Digital Badges/Goals/Level_1[]
- A nice place to begin is on the site at
Get the app: P.T. Helper[]
- If you have an iPhone, you can get a version of PT Helper for no charge. Go to the Apple store, search, download and install it. Cost $0.
- Those with an Android type phone, you do not need to download it, but could. The cost is $.99 now.
- This app will be more expensive in the future.
- We will have this app on our tablet devices in Summer Dreamers and use the app with the Digital Badges/Exercises/Routines.
Get a good grip on the MilestonePod[]
- Get the device.
- Insert battery and lace device into shoe as instructed.
- Install the app on your smart phone
- Read and watch the tutorials at the company site,
- Communicate your serial # to your wiki home page.
- Communicate your username and password for the MilestonePod to the wiki home page too.
- Update the firmware on the device.
- Take a run.
- Sync the data between the pod and the phone, and in turn the cloud.
- Help fellow staff and the campers get their devices functional.
- Tell others about the device around town and share that they are available to purchase at GNC.
- Train more and start to get a grip on how the device can help you with motivation and knowledge.