A for Athlete
SKWIM Badge Level 1

XP Template for LRNG entry[]


  • XP/SKWIM/Level 1


1909908 10152588311684941 2918188149927832306 n


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Resources (optinal)[]

Are there any resources that would help learners complete this XP?


Submission Requirements[]

Describe the evidence a learner must submit to complete this XP.

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Learning Details[]

Set the Interest, Age, Participation, and Duration of your XP.

  • Interest
  • Age Appropriateness
  • Estimated Duration
    • hr
    • min


a) Put on a PFD on land. Adjust belts and buckles to size and fit properly,

b) Enter the water wearing a PFD and float calmly for five minutes.

c) Enter deep water from a sitting position.

d) Exit deep water without using a ladder.

e) Jump off a low diving board and exit the water. If a diving board isn't in the facility, perhaps a starting block or slide will need to do.

f) Scull with hands for one-minute, (60-seconds).

g) Show, breast, free, elementary back.

h) Float on back and show toes.

i) Practice reach assist with a partner while staying on the pool's deck and reaching to a student.

j) Toss a throw-able PDF (life ring) and reel into the pool.

k) Approach a lifeguard and converse.

l) Kickboard with fins for 25 yards.

m) Tread water wearing fins and lift your hands above the surface of the water for at least five seconds.

Blog and Journal[]

Sunglasses reflection pool SKWIM

A good journal entry and blog prompt is to write how you would approach a lifeguard and converse? Then try it out at the pool. Then, write your findings with from those experiences. Of course, different individuals in different moments are going to have different outcomes.

  • Students are encouraged to make, get and upload photos and illustrations of any of these skills.

