The following content presents raw ideas. This page needs massive edits. Do not quote this material in any source. It is not sanctioned in any way. Rather, this page is more of a place holder for more editing to come.
- Steering committee actions are on the agenda.
- An Advisory Board for meets with these sessions.
- Complaints, issues, suggestions, code of conduct infractions.
- Planning for additional XPs are entertained.
- Uses Technology for webcasting, teleconference and podcast subscribership.
XP Template for LRNG entry[]
- XP/Sport In Society
edit me
Resources (optinal)[]
Are there any resources that would help learners complete this XP?
- http://
- Enter Resource Title
- Repeat if desired.
Submission Requirements[]
Describe the evidence a learner must submit to complete this XP.
edit me
Learning Details[]
Set the Interest, Age, Participation, and Duration of your XP.
- Interest
- Age Appropriateness
- Estimated Duration
- hr
- min
- Casting votes with EVote.

How does this make you feel? What can be done? Let's plan to make changes at the next gathering of XP/Sports_In_Society.