The Digital Badges/Steps uses a tech tool, an electronic pedometer, the Milestone Pod made by Milestone Sport Ltd. See
XP Template for LRNG entry[]
- XP/Steps
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Resources (optinal)[]
Are there any resources that would help learners complete this XP?
- Stormtrooper across Australia (also known as AUS)
Submission Requirements[]
Describe the evidence a learner must submit to complete this XP.
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Learning Details[]
Set the Interest, Age, Participation, and Duration of your XP.
- Interest
- Age Appropriateness
- Estimated Duration
- hr
- min
The Milestone Pod is a high-tech pedometer that is laced to one's sneaker. The user walks and runs and the pedometer measures and records the total mileage that person traveled. The results are visible on the device, and other details such as cadence, pace, and total mileage are calculated and displayed with the help of a mobile app. Also, when using the mobile app on a smart phone or tablet with Bluetooth 4.0 capabilities, even more insights, such as foot strike position throughout a race, can be provided,
The Milestone Pod provides Staff and athletes in Swim & Water Polo Camp access to an easy-to-use and impossible-to-forget pedometer. However, if tablet tech is made available, then the functionality expands greatly. The mobile app and accompanying metrics among our 200+ students can help determine some significant trends and set future standards.
This will help the summer dreamers determine their unique run stride and improve upon their running habits with increments visible in the mobile app. Otherwise, the summer dreamers will at least have a total steps and mileage statistics to track their activity in and outside of camp and improve upon their overall fitness.
You might have to do a little math to find out step count! Steps ran in a week equals miles ran in a week, times 5,280 feet in a mile, divided by stride length.
Steps Badge Description[]
This badge certifies over 100,000 steps logged in a week.
Using the pedometer, the badge earner logged more than 100,000 steps in a week by committing to daily moderate to vigorous physical activity.
Completion Time[]
It will take a week of at least one hour of moderate to vigorous physical activity per day and full use of the technical pedometer to log the required 100,000 steps.[1]
Evaluation Criteria[]
Since the athletes will already be calculating their daily steps through logging the pedometer totals on a daily basis, the evaluation of this badge will be a formative process completed by the athletes themselves at the end of a week when they sum their daily totals and discover that they combine for over 100,000 steps.
Badge Issuers[]
The student keeping track of his/her own daily and weekly step totals will award this badge to his/her self when they see that they have logged over 100,000 steps in one week.
The students will be trained in the use of the technical pedometer when distributed to them as well as being trained in the process of logging their step totals, simultaneously as they are developing daily or weekly journals and wiki entries. They will be informed about the requirements of this badge and the process by which to award it to themselves when they qualify.
Additional Considerations[]
Will earning this badge be a goal/requirement for all participants in your program?
This badge will be a goal for all the athletes in the program to attain. A 2004 study by Catrine Tudor-Locke suggests that between 12,000 and 15,000 steps per day for kids results in healthy Body-Mass-Indexes (BMI's) and the 100,000 steps per week goal is squarely inside that range. If the athletes maintain that level of activity for life, then they will likely attain and maintain a healthy BMI for life which would be a great success for our program.
- 10,000 Steps Badge (Single day total over 10k steps)? Marathon Steps Badge (loosely equivalent total number of steps that are in a marathon)? Happy Feet Badge (active walking disposition measured by having 2 consecutive weeks with over 8000 average steps per day)?
In what program(s) can this badge be earned?[]
Competency. What are you badging?[]
Evidence. What does it look like to demonstrate this competency?[]
Activities. What activities produce the intended evidence of this competency?[]
Do you think of this as a: Check all that apply.[]
- Knowledge, the fact or condition of knowing something.
- Skill, the ability to do something based on training, experience, or practice
- Disposition, a tendency to act or think in a certain way; a habit of mind.
Step 2: Badges build bridges to other opportunities. How does this badge connect to other offerings in the community?
At other organizations?[]
In your organization?[]
Step 3:
Name of Badge:[]
Short Description (~50 characters):[]
Remake Learning Focus Area (circle all that apply): CAREER READINESS CODING & GAMING DESIGN & MAKING
- Fitness
- STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, math)
Formal Description (~160 characters):[]
How long will it take to earn this badge?[]
Who created this badge? (Name(s), role(s))[]
Who will issue this badge? (Name(s), role(s))[]
How and when will the issuer evaluate whether a student earned this badge? What are the criteria for earning the badge?[]
(URL, Text, Photo, Video, Audio)
How, when, and by whom will badge issuers and evaluators be trained?[]
Will the evaluation be ongoing (formative) or at the end of the program (summative)?[]
Pick one:
Circle the method by which this badge will be assessed:[]
Remake Learning Competency (please identify the competency or competencies most aligned with this badge):[]
(circle all that apply):
Will earning this badge be a goal/requirement for all participants in your program?[]
Is this badge connected to other badges? If so, how?[]
(e.g. a student must first earn another badge in order to be eligible to earn this badge, this badge can be earned separately from or concurrently with another badge, etc.)
What challenges might exist that hinder the issuing of this badge?[]
What will success look like for your badging program?[]
Technology Audit: What technology is available to support students in setting up online accounts?[]
(i.e. full access to computers/tablets, partial access to computers/tablets, access to internet but no access to computers/tablets, no access to internet on program premises, etc.)
Additional Discussion Prompts[]
(keep the conversation going with your Helpdesk member)
What unique benefits does this badge provide to your program?[]
What unique benefits does this badge provide to program participants (earners)?[]

Milestone CEO, Jason, with Coach Mark.
Join in[]
Citizens, guardians, siblings and others who are interested in joining in with your own efforts to get this badge are encouraged to do so. A coupon is expected soon.