A for Athlete


Yoga Badge


Students in Summer Dreamers earn the Digital Badges/Exercises/Yoga after applying what is taught in the activity and practicing yoga at home.

XP Template for LRNG entry[]


  • XP/Yoga



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Resources (optinal)[]

Are there any resources that would help learners complete this XP?

  • http://
  • Enter Resource Title
    • Repeat if desired.

Submission Requirements[]

Describe the evidence a learner must submit to complete this XP.

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Learning Details[]

Set the Interest, Age, Participation, and Duration of your XP.

  • Interest
  • Age Appropriateness
  • Estimated Duration
    • hr
    • min


Digital_Badges/Exercises/Yoga acknowledges skills, habits and knowledge. Badge earners develop yoga routines and form sustainable personal habits. Badge earners can name and practice 12 or more yoga postures and conduct regular personal practices at home, three times per week, for two weeks. Yoga is taught in Mindful Eating with the supervision of a yoga coach.

Criteria Details[]

Step Requirement
1 Vocabulary Know the exercises and names of the exercises in yoga. Yoga has hundreds of exercises. Of course, students don't need to know the entire catalog of yoga, but they do need to get a handle on and display knowledge of at least 12 yoga moves.
2 Technique There are right ways and wrong ways to stretch, exercise, and perform yoga postures. Bodies and abilities vary, of course. But certain core principles are taught, and must be understood and performed to the coach's satisfaction within Mindful Eating activities.
3 Routine Students should be creative and develop the yoga routine that works for them. What comes first, second and third? Write it down. Practice from start to end. Be sure it all fits together and feels right. As the routine is repeated and better understood, then the student can share and serve their yoga formula and exercise recipe. To share, post the routine to a blog and perhaps, if time permits, be ready to lead your peers and the teachers through your routine as part of Mindful Eating class.
4 Setting Identify a place and a time at home that fits well for you. When and where are the good times and places to practice yoga on your own? Write and reflect about the times and places you've been home and done yoga. What sessions worked in what settings?
5 Practice Students must practice yoga three times a week, at home, for two weeks to earn the badge. Plus, a guardian signs off on the checklist that those six, at-home practices occurred.

Badge Description[]

The yoga badge acknowledges the earner's knowledge and skill in the practice of yoga.

The yoga badge recognizes the successful completion of the knowledge-, skill-, and performance- based tasks that establish yoga competency.

Completion Time[]

It will take at least two weeks of practice and learning to attain the required skills and knowledge to then demonstrate in action and writing.

Evaluation Criteria[]

When an individual completes all five of the criteria in the rubric above, then they will be awarded the badge.


Badge Issuers[]

Summer Dreamers Mindful Eating and Swim & Water Polo staff will issue the badges.


Summer Dreamers staff will be oriented in the City of Learning badging process during their initial training by the Summer Dreamer supervisors and management before the summer session. As part of this initiation, they will be made aware of the requirements for the yoga badge and how to evaluate the earners to administer the badges.

Additional Considerations[]

This badge will be an exercise goal for the participants and, as such, fits in nicely with the Goals program in place elsewhere in the program. Additionally, the blogging requirements to earn this badge partially fulfill the Tech Literacy badge requirements so the earning of both simultaneously is possible and encouraged. The yoga badge will hopefully provide a framework for students to break into the mindful practice of yoga and encourage lifelong fitness practice.

